Lindsay Machine Works services parts for many different reasons.  Some parts need modification, some for reverse-engineering and others for refurbishing or repair.  This part is from a regional manufacturer near Kansas City and needs to be refurbished.

The machinist created a custom fixture to hold the part securely. 

After setting –up the machine, the machinist preforms a dry run, watching the process run without cutting, before setting the process in motion.  Once he is sure of his settings he begins to machine the part.  The machinist carefully monitors the parts progress, filing and measuring to assure accuracy.


A nick on the inside of one of the parts poses a unique problem for the machinist in maintaining accuracy.  The challenge is quickly resolved and the parts are ready for delivery.

Lindsay Machine Works
keep our customers
coming back with our quality
CNC machining and fast-turn-arounds.
Send us a photo of your broken part,
or call us at (816) 257-1166

Short-Run Manufacturing Machine Shop

Short-Run Manufacturing Machine Shop



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